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Alumni Profiles
The Alumni
profiles features the testimonies of those who were in the Church Planters
Institute and trained under the ministry of Evangelist Mac Woody The Testimony, Ministry and The Call To Preach Of Evangelist Avery Smith
In November of 1993, we made our way to Heritage Baptist
Church of Kingsville. They had finished an all day revival service early that
day, so we were the only car in the parking lot. We decided to go inside anyway,
and as were getting out, the pastor, Evangelist Mac Woody, his son Paul, and
Lester Pruitt came around from behind the church. We introduced ourselves, and
Brother Woody invited us in the church. While talking in the foyer, he asked me
if I was saved. Then he asked Erica, who responded, "I'm still learning." I had
been leaving tracts for her to find from time to time, and had witnessed to her
some, but the connections just weren't being made at the time. Brother Woody
took this opportunity to share the Gospel with her, and she bowed her head and
accepted Christ into her heart. Brother Woody likes to introduce us as the guy
who showed up in a ten gallon hat, giant belt-buckle with an NIV under one arm
and a lost girlfriend under the other. That's exactly as it was too.
We began to attend Heritage off and on thereafter. I remember
telling Erica after the first sermon I heard Brother Woody preach that this is
definitely the church for us. I learned more in his first sermon I heard than
all the preaching I'd ever heard before combined. Later on, I realized it was
because he was preaching with authority, and with the authorized Word of God (KJV).
I began to have convictions about the version of the Bible I was using, my
music, acquaintances and so on. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit and my
own study, I now have solid convictions on the King James Bible, music, dress,
etc., as outlined in God's Word. Brother Woody began instructing us on
Soulwinning and sanctified living. In November of 1994, I surrendered to preach
at the Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, TX, while visiting with the family of
close friends of ours. A young man, Tigger, was in a coma, and God had impressed
on me the need to share the Gospel with his classmates who had gathered there.
After a brief prayer service in the hospital chapel in wich I gave my first ever
"public" invitation, Tigger's older brother and my friend, Dwayne, accepted
Christ. Several others raised their hands in response to the Gospel as well.
When everyone left, I stayed behind, and surrendered my life to His service.
After surrendering to preach, I spent many hours of
instruction in the field of church planting under Brother Woody. We went as a
team to Hebbronville, TX, in a church planting effort. Here, we saw nearly 300
people call on Christ for salvation in 1 1/2 years of door-to-door evangelism.
We would fly over to Hebbronville as a team in Brother
Woody's Cessna 172. The trip would take us 30 minutes by plane verses 90
minutes by car. Later on, I became principal of the Heritage Christian
Academy, and Erica was a teacher. We continued to serve in this capacity after
the Lord moved Brother Woody to Upper Michigan. Recently, the Lord has allowed
me to begin my pilot's training as well. I look forward to using aviation as a
tool to spread the Gospel to rural America.
Brother Woody had spent 14 years in South Texas planting
churches, and being impressed of the Lord of the need for churches in the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan, the Church Planter's Institute was moved to the
Marquette, MI, area. As he was making preparations to leave for the north,
preparations were made for me here to become the new pastor, which I remained
for 1 1/2 years. I then, in turn, joined Brother Woody in the north to continue
to assist him with the church planting ministry as God impressed on my heart
more and more of the need for new churches in America..
Our first church plant experience in Upper Michigan was in a
small town named Sagola. We knocked on every door in Sagola, Felch and Channing
in this effort. We had Bible study services in the Randville Town hall, and had
people saved and baptized. We also had the privilege of conducting the
first-ever tent revival in Sagola.
After 2 1/2 years here, we attempted to consolidate our fruit
to the main work located near Marquette. God has greatly blessed the work here.
With His help, we hope to see many such works begun accross the rural areas of
America through our efforts and as we help to encourage others to do the same. OTHER MINISTRIES Due to my secular education background and my Bachelors
Degree in Agricultural Science from Texas A&M University-Kingsville in
Kingsville, TX, I have had an intense desire to declare the truth of how
Scripture and Science are not contradictory. As a result of this, God has
allowed me to establish Creation Truth Ministries, dedicated to strengthening
God's people through one-day or week long Creation Truth Seminars in Independent
Baptist Churches. We also have a Creation based Vacation Bible School program
for churches interested, and desire to penetrate the secular education systems
to show children how it is scientifically impossible for evolution to be the
reason we are here. Please contact
Creation Truth Ministries if you have any questions or would like to
schedule a meeting.
Also while in Kingsville, I realized the need for good
printed material to be placed in the hands of the people of our churches. King
James Transcribers was begun as a help to pastors and missionaries to put good
quality material in their people's hands. When a person reads, they retain more
information than just listening to a message. And because not many pastors and
missionaries have the time or resources to put their messages on paper, I offer
to do this for them. As the Lord continues to provide, this service is free of
charge to Independent Fundamental Baptist pastors and missionaries. Love
offerings for this service is appreciated, as it may take up to triple the time
to transcribe a sermon than the actual length of the message. If I can be of
help to you in this area, please contact
KJV Transcribers.. For information on contacting Evangelist Avery Smith for
revival meetings,
Evangelist Avery Smith and His Family
I was raised in the small German town of Boerne, TX. At age 12, I was saved at a
Christian youth camp. From that time until I entered college, I floated from
church to church, when I would attend, and did not have any real convictions on
many things. The first summer back from college, I met Erica. I soon moved back
home to Boerne to go to school in San Antonio. While at the University of Texas
at San Antonio, I was introduced to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, a
non-denominational Christian group for college students. It was here that I
began to renew my faith again. In the fall of 1993, Erica and I enrolled at
Texas A&M-Kingsville in Kingsville, TX. There had been a new IVCF chapter
started in Kingsville, so Erica and I attended the meetings. Soon, I was
convinced that I needed to find a church home for myself. I would pick Erica up
from her dormitory, and we would try several churches out, one of mine, and one
of hers. After a few visits to several churches, I decided to look in the phone
book. It was here I first discovered an independent, fundamental Baptist church.
I was intrigued as to what this meant, so Erica and I tried it.
The Heritage Baptist Church located in
Kingsville, Texas.
Evangelist Avery Smith with his wife Erica with
Evangelist Mac Woody and his wife Kathy.
Brother Smith preaching and singing in an old
fashioned tent revival
Evangelist Avery Smith pictured with Evangelist
Mac Woody beside the Cessna 172 that was used in the Texas church planting
The Heritage Christian School graduation service.
Brother Smith was an assistant pastor to Evangelist Mac Woody as well a the
schools principle.
Evangelist Avery Smith conducting a tent revival
in Sagola and baptizing his converts in a watering tank.
Evangelist Avery Smith conducting a creation
seminar along with his very own development of the computer Creation Research Information
Station known as CHRIS.
missions conferences or Creation Truth Seminars, contact:
Evangelist Avery L. Smith
100 Birchbrook Lane
Marquette, MI 49855
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PHONE & FAX: (906)343-6664